Friday, July 27, 2007

Room to Improve

Q. My new dog chewed up a chair and is eyeing the sofa — what can I do?

A. You might want to rethink your furnishings, starting with that sofa. One fabric you should know about is Crypton. It has a moisture barrier and is odor- and stain-resistant, so it’s good in extreme pet situations. And it’s as tough as it sounds.

“The fabric’s been thoroughly tested to withstand puncturing much more than most mainstream fabrics, so it’s great for everyday use with pets,” said Randy Rubin, the co-founder and president of Crypton.

If you want to reupholster your sofa, you can buy the fabric through the company’s Web sitewhich offers a range of colors in various textures, including twill and suede, for $50 to $80 a yard. Crypton also sells its own furniture. The Asher sofa ($1,499), upholstered in woven herringbone, is a particularly good choice, because its simple, clean lines will fit many different design schemes. The company sells dog beds, designed by the likes of William Wegman

You might also reconsider your rug — if it’s made of any fabric below industrial grade, it is in danger of being mauled. Bolon, an impressively sturdy floor covering, has the sleek, ultra-flat visual appeal of a leather floor covering but is made of tightly woven vinyl. The Swedish-made fabric comes in several colors and sizes, and is available through the Patterson, Flynn & Martin showroom in New York (212-688-7700).

“It’s really stylish flooring that just happens to be ideal for dogs,” said Todd Black, a New York-based interior designer who has two Jack Russell terriers and has recommended Bolon to his clients. Prices range from $85 to $110 a square yard, but it is generally available only to the trade, so you’ll likely need to go through a designer to buy it.

Mr. Black also suggested a rather surprising pet-friendly material: mohair. “It just doesn’t die,” he said. “It’s pretty much indestructible.” Another good choice is Ultrasuede, which will appeal to those who like leather but want something a little tougher. Desiron, a New York-based modern furniture company, offers its square-lined Hudson sofa and club chair in Ultrasuede (the sofa starts at $3,380 and the chair at $2,420; 212-353-26But no amount of redecoration will help if you don’t look at the issue from the dog’s perspective. What your dog needs is a great chew toy. The Kong dog toy ($6 to $15 from stores like made of a durable rubber compound that’s extra-bouncy, and it holds treats inside, dispensing them periodically as the dog chews and rolls the toy around (the company also sells a line of treats). Barbara Lukowski, the president of Husky House NYC, a nonprofit organization that rescues Siberian huskies and mixed breeds, said she recommends the Kong because it keeps the dogs occupied. “Dogs chew when they’re bored,” she said, “particularly if they’re not getting enough walks and exercise.” A dog that has had enough exercise may do less damage indoors, she said, “because it will be less restless.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Maserati's sexy new automatic sedan

(Fortune Magazine) -- For most successful people in corporate America, the average day is like a German or Japanese sedan: hard-charging, constant and complex. Competent? Yes. Thrilling? More like the perfect shade of gray.
The people at Maserati set out to change the sedan's rep three years ago with the Quattroporte. And they just might have succeeded, were it not for the decision to build that original model with a paddle-shift gearbox (Maserati figured that if such a transmission is enticing in a Ferrari, why not put it in a sedan? Because an overly involving gear-shifting system that has a herky-jerky automatic mode doesn't suit a full-sized four-door, that's why.)
It's roomy enough for the kids but still has Ferrari DNA.

I had fallen for the Quattroporte's lines from afar: Sophia Loren sex appeal, knee-weakening proportions, exotic details and an hourglass shape that belies its interior roominess. But how could a car bigger and cheaper than a Ferrari possibly deliver a similar kind of over-the-top thrill and hedonism? And had Maserati truly solved its transmission transgression?
After one week and more than 1,000 miles in a Bordeaux Pontevecchio (metallic maroon) version, I can tell you that the Maserati delivered. I drove from Los Angeles to Phoenix and back in two days, and here's what happened.
First I noticed that the car, a respectable 4,247 pounds, felt nearly as light and playful as a two-seater. While I was revving her up and slaloming through traffic, an unmistakably operatic growl reached my ears - a symphony of V-8 and exhaust notes only Italian engineers could compose (go to to hear it).
The steering was direct, the suspension (in sport mode as opposed to normal or snow) was taut but not bone-breaking, the throttle response immediate, the braking - as proficient as a Ferrari Enzo - firm without any fade.
And then there were the tactile highlights: a Poltrona Frau leather-wrapped two-tone dash, dramatically widow's-peaked in the center. Supportive seats that also heat, cool and massage at your discretion. A mahogany steering wheel fitted so perfectly with leather inserts for my hands that it felt like built-in driving gloves.
Between you and me, the whole package provoked some rather adolescent behavior: doing doughnuts in an empty parking lot (its 49-front/51-rear weight distribution is best in class); gloating at admiring strangers; taking the long road home to log a few more smile-inducing miles.
I wasn't even overly bothered by the Quattroporte's quirks: buttons on the instrument panel whose purpose was inscrutable. Two different ways to release the parking brake. A small trunk. Maserati must figure out a better navigation system (I'm still waiting for the perfect one from any manufacturer) and retrofit for Bluetooth and iPods (hurry up and get Ferrari's new integrated Bose system, please).

Overall, Maserati's quality has improved substantially in the past few years. Is it at Lexus level? No, but I can only report that I had no problems on my watch. Most Quattroporte buyers are former Mercedes S-Class owners, so confidence in the brand is growing.
What it really comes down to is that the Quattroporte is full of passion, performance and personality. Is it for you? That depends: Do you pine for another decent day at work - or a Bellini at sunset in Venice?